We are having some technical issues with the Messenger magazine and are currently unable to publish it on-line. hopefully these issues will be resolved soon.  

Blundellsands and Crosby United Reformed Church (formerly Crosby United Reformed Church) is located by the College Road roundabout, on the junction of Eshe Road and Mersey Road in Crosby.  We have a regular 10:30 am service on a Sunday morning. Everyone is invited to come along to our service where you will be made to feel most welcome by our friendly congregation and stay for tea and coffee after the service. We also have lots more to offer the community. 


We warmly welcome enquiries regarding Baptisms and Weddings at our Church.  We would be grateful if you would be flexible regarding the dates for Baptism as we don't always have a Minister taking the service who is able to perfom a Baptismal Service.    Please enquire through our Contact Us tab.


We host a Saturday Morning Cafe in our Coffee Bar serving hot and cold drinks and snacks.  The entrance is in Eshe Road, Crosby.

Ladies' Fellowship meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month in the Coffee Bar.   Why not come for a friendly chat and some coffee or tea and delicious cake.  

Slimming World, Line Dancing, Dolphin Fencing, Helen O'Grady Children's Theatre Group, Bluebell Fayres, Ladies and Mixed Keep Fit are all run in our church hall.   Dates, times and contact details for these classes are on the Weekly Activities page.

The hall and coffee bar are available to hire at reasonable rates.  Please email lettingsurc@gmail.com or tel Keith Wright on 0151 931 3474/07872389790 to enquire about hiring our rooms.


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