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Social Media
Crosby URC are on Facebook and can be found here..
Events Calendar
Spring Fayre Saturday 11th March 11am - 4pm
11/03/2017 11:00Windermere Weekend Away
30/09/2016 18:00
A church weekend away with a music evening on Saturday at the Windermere Centre. More information will soon appear on our news page
Music and Social Evening 2016
16/04/2016 19:00
A fun night of drinks, nibbles, great company, with local live music entertainment
Easter Day Breakfast
27/03/2016 08:30
Breakfast will be served in the Coffee Bar at 8.30 a.m. Please let Susan know if you hope to come for catering purposes. There is no charge but donations for Christian Aid may be given if desired.
Our Easter Celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour on this happy day continue with...
Good Friday Service
25/03/2016 10:00
Morning Service at 10 a.m. as we remember the death of Jesus on the Cross.
This will be followed by a united service in Crosby Village outside “Boots” at 11.15 a.m.
Afterwards coffee and refreshments will be served at the Manse to which all are welcome.
Maunday Thursday Service
24/03/2016 18:30
A service of the Lord’s Supper followed by the reading of Scripture to accompany the gathering shadows of the night as we remember the events of Gethsemane. This part of the service is called Tenebrae which means darkness.
The service will be held in the Way at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 24th...
The Annual General and Church Meeting
21/03/2016 19:30
The Annual General and Church Meeting will be held on Monday 21st March in the Coffee Bar at 7.30p.m.
Pilgrimage Lent Session (Week 5 of 5)
17/03/2016 10:30
Week 5 - "Living with Uncertainty", held in the Church Hall Coffee Bar, everyone is welcome
Pilgrimage Lent Session (Week 4 of 5)
10/03/2016 10:30
Week 4 - "Alone and Together", held in the Church Hall Coffee Bar, everyone is welcome
Strictly Come Crafting
09/03/2016 13:00
1pm-4pm Church Hall, more info on the facebook link, or from our Secretary, Ally Matthews